Who? What? Why?...Bellas & Boys

Who? What? Why?...Bellas & Boys

Dreaming of your own business...Trying to make ends meet for a family of five... Knee deep in the chaos of living, loving, traveling, and making it all work...Bellas & Boys was born!  Right smack dab in the middle of a global pandemic, we started a business!  Crazy as it sounds it is a dream come true.  I have always wanted to have my own shop...now, did I ever think it would be an online store? Nope!! Times have changed and our family has changed since I dreamed up this crazy idea but it came to life and I'm as happy as a clam! Our logo came to life after Anna (the center daughter) adopted a German Short Haired Pointer named "Beau"...he's cute as a button and has all the qualities of Bellas & Boys Clothing Co. He's sweet, kinda plain (unlike most GSP), full of excitement, and don't forget a little bit sophisticated. He's BBCC wrapped in a cute little package like our signature collection and our plain brown sacks!  With the help of my husband Allen, my oldest daughter Abby, my center gal Anna, and the baby boy AJ, we have created a comfy, practical, fun clothing line to take you and your family everywhere they need to go! We hope you will come and visit often as we go on the "Beau-Tied" Adventure! More to come as we grow! God bless and thanks for tagging along!!

Dannette James

Owner, Bellas & Boys 

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Congratulations to our friends! We love you guys ♥️ So excited for you!!

MIssy, Jay, & Tanner

I’m amazed and in awe of your determination and dedication to BBCC. You have done an amazing job of creating your product!! Love love everything BBCC has to offer!! So proud of you!!

ELizabeth pHelps

Congrats on your new business.

KElli CHaney

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